Zed’s World Book One: The Gathering Horde

Zed's World Book One: The Gathering Horde
Today's Free Kindle eBook: Zed's World Book One: The Gathering Horde
The most ambitious terrorist plot ever undertaken is about to be put into motion, releasing an unstoppable force against humanity. Ordinary people - a group of students celebrating the end of the semester, suburban and rural families - are about to find themselves in the center of something that threatens the survival of the human species. As they battle the dead - and the living - it's going to take every bit of skill, knowledge and luck for them to survive in Zed's World.The Gathering Horde introduces readers to Zed's World, the first seven episodes of an online serial saga released for the first time with updated content as a novella.

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>>Zed's World Book One: The Gathering Horde

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