Effortless Outfits: The Men’s Guide to Matching Clothes for

Effortless Outfits: The Men's Guide to Matching Clothes for
Today's Free Kindle eBook: Effortless Outfits: The Men's Guide to Matching Clothes for Powerful Impression in Personal and Professional Life
Imagine... You open your wardrobe and know exactly what to wear to look your best. You know exactly which clothes to put together to make a great impression on everyone you meet that day.

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You put them on, and as you walk out the door you catch a glimpse in the mirror. You smile because you can't help feeling proud of how sharp you look. You'll feel confident all day, knowing that you're presenting yourself in a powerful way — knowing people will see you for the man that you are.You walk into a meeting, and people see you in a positive light before you even open your mouth. They treat you with the respect you deserve and carefully consider everything you say. You walk into a bar. You look around to find your date, and catch a couple of smiling girls looking straight at you. They quickly divert their glance back to each other and laugh with a blush on their cheeks. You just caught them checking you out.Then you spot your date, and as she sees you approaching, a smile spreads across her face. You know what she's thinking. The date is already off to a great start, and you haven't even said hello yet. That's the power of dressing sharp. Unfortunately, dressing sharp is a lost art for men, and one of the biggest hurdles they have is matching their clothes. I have helped hundreds of men polish their style, and matching clothes seems to be the #1 source of confusion — which I understand. As a former fashion victim, it confused the hell out of me too. Only through lots of experimentation did I finally discover how it works.And frankly, it's easy once you know the basic rules. These days I open my wardrobe and spend barely a thought on which clothes to wear. I can pick an outfit in 20 seconds and know it'll make me look great. The problem is that most men's style resources barely cover the art of matching clothes. Take colors, for example — probably the most confusing aspect for guys. If you look for information on matching clothes, I guarantee you'll find an article that shows you the color wheel and explains that colors match when they're next to, or opposite of each other on the wheel. And yeah, that's true, but that's only half the story. It leaves out some important nuances.But like I said, it's easy once you know them. You just need someone to show them to you. Introducing Effortless Outfits: The Men's Guide to Matching Clothes for Powerful Impressions in Your Personal and Professional Life.This men's style guide goes deep into the art of matching clothes. Instead of just giving you the broad idea and skipping the nuances, it tells you everything you'll ever need to know. Better yet, I wrote this guide with rookies in mind, so I took care to explain things in clear and simple language instead of confusing fashion mumbo-jumbo.The guide includes:*** The crucial wardrobe hack that makes mixing and matching easy — it's so easy to apply, you'll wonder why you never heard of it before*** The six simple rules for layering clothes — without these you might end up looking like a homeless person*** The four foolproof ways to match your clothes — you simply can't go wrong with these*** The three types of color match and how to make them work — most sources only give you half the information*** The five factors that decide which patterned clothes can be combined — combine the wrong ones and your outfit will look clownish*** The secrets to combining eight different types of accessory — each type comes with its own set of little rules that you should knowFollow the tips in this guide, and before you know it, you'll pick sharp-looking outfits from your wardrobe with barely a thought.So what's stopping you from polishing your personal style and making killer first impressions on everyone you meet from here on out?It's within your reach. Scroll to the top and click the “buy now” button. Thanks for stopping by! Let us know what you think by leaving a comment!

>>Effortless Outfits: The Men's Guide to Matching Clothes for

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