Free Kind Bar By Walmart!

There is a very cool freebie today! Today only, you can get this super amazing offer directly from Walmart. Don’t be stressed, just claim your free Kind Bar. All you have to do is follow the instructions below.
Take a look at these new samples:
KIND makes wholesome, delicious snacks with ingredients you will recognize – like whole nuts and wholes grains – along with a variety of fruits and spices. What’s more, it is cholesterol-free, non-gmo, and gluten-free!
Like most of the items that travel through the mail these days, there may be a delay of a few weeks while your sample is traveling to your doorstep. Make sure you collect your prize now because they are almost gone!
There are two ways to use the Freeosk at Walmart. Download the Walmart app, then open the barcode scanner feature. Scan the QR code on the Freeosk screen, then place your phone in the scan zone below. Or, download the Freeosk app. Simply scan the app in the Freeosk scan zone, and enjoy a free sample each and every week!