FREE Movie (Physical Copy or Digital) for NEW Sony Reward Members

To get a FREE Movie (Physical Copy or Digital) when you sign up for Sony Rewards. After you sign up they will email you a code to redeem from a list of movies from the Sony Pictures website. Once enrolled you also get a free movie for every five qualifying discs you register.
Take a look at these new samples:
Free movie will be awarded in the form of a Sony Pictures Store free movie code (the “Code”) which will be emailed to you once you enroll for the first time with Sony Rewards between 10/5/17 (12:00 AM ET) and 11/15/17 (11:59 PM ET). The Code is valid for single-time use only on sonypicturesstore and the entitles the recipient to select one (1) free movie (on Blu-ray Disc, Digital HD Ultraviolet or DVD) from a list of movies. Code expires within ninety (90) days of receipt of the free movie Code e-mail. See email containing the Code for Code details, terms and conditions. *Must be a new Sony Rewards Account to be eligible. You can Also Follow Us On Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ for 24 hour freebie updates and more! We are almost 100% user supported! Let us know if you know of any freebies you don't already see posted!