File your Taxes FREE! Free federal and state filing at H&R Block
File your Taxes Free! Free federal and state filing at H&R Block When you compare TurboTax1 vs. H&R Block, we have more ways to file online for FREE. 1040EZ? Free.
Take a look at these new samples:
1040A? Free. 1040 with Schedule A? Also Free. With H&R Block More Zero, more people than ever can file online for… FREE. Now, even filers with mortgages and itemized deductions could pay nothing with Block. Does TurboTax Absolute Zero include that? Absolutely not. So when considering TurboTax vs. H&R Block, the choice is simple. You can Also Follow Us On Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ for 24 hour freebie updates and more! Want to get freebies like these the minute they come out? Follow us on Facebook or Twitter for real-time updates!