Zollocco: A Novel of Another Universe

Zollocco: A Novel of Another Universe
Today's Free Kindle eBook: Zollocco: A Novel of Another Universe
A woman, having escaped from a dying Earth, lands on a planet governed by sentient forests in the solar system Imenkapur. At first, the forest Zollocco doesn't want her there, but slowly changes its "mind" after realizing that the woman is trying to live in harmony with the forest. She is captured by, and made the property of, the Toelakhan, an interstellar corporation not in agreement with the forests' stewardship of the planets.

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She escapes, and runs from planet to planet, meeting other civilizations and living in tune with the forests. She is made a priestess of the forests, but the Toelakhan is always one step behind her, wanting their property back... Zollocco is a story of the quest to return to a place that feels like home. This is the novel for all nature lovers who work to protect the earth from global warming."I read this as an e-book over 4 years ago and the story has lingered in my mind since then. It is unique in that it is science fiction, yet spiritual, and environmentally conscious. I have purchased the book in a "physical" form so that I can read it again and again." Tracey FritzZolloco was an 2001 Eppie finalist in sf."This one is very good." Paul Lappen If you like this freebie, get instant updates on Facebook!

>>Zollocco: A Novel of Another Universe

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