The Slave Girl in “Spartacus” Or Can a Classy

Today's Free Kindle eBook: The Slave Girl in "Spartacus" Or Can a Classy Bitch Get Laid?: Sixteen Stories Balancing Wacky Humor with Hot Erotica
Ellen Melville Exposed for Your DelightYou will laugh and lust when Ellen Pierce Melville gets a grip on you. You may scream once in a while; she can get a little rough. You may sigh occasionally, too, because there is poignancy in these tales—as when Ellen runs by the ocean alone, naked, through the warm night.

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And actually a little sticky with cum, too.The author of two extreme pornographic novels--“Naked Town, Naked Lives” and “Games Some People Play!”¬¬--both praised by readers for their elegant style and erotic energy, now turns to her own life, loves, and lust at a uniformed boarding school in Connecticut, an Ivy League College, and New York City.Nothing is concealed, nothing is ‘played down,” and nothing is ‘politically correct.” If anything, readers rejoice that the conflict, high-drama, and imagination Melville brings to sex is unsurpassed in erotic literature.She rounds out her accounts of her own increasingly hot sex life with a few stories she has chosen as sexy and hilarious from among those told to her by guys. Energized by her high-octane style, she tells these “inside” stories of a first Ashley Madison date and a trip to the “New Aloha Spa” in erotic detail and with her usual wacky, wild perspective.These treats are supplemented by a handful of poems, since Melville is an accomplished poet, in which she turns her talents to raunchy, galloping, laugh-aloud ballads of bawdiness.With Melville, you won’t be leaving--and you probably can’t miss coming. And the laughs make you plain delighted at how amazing life can be! Another great sample. Let us know what you think!

>>The Slave Girl in "Spartacus" Or Can a Classy

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