The Roadrunner Cafe

The Roadrunner Cafe
Today's Free Kindle eBook: The Roadrunner Cafe
Sign up for New Releases (jamiezerndt dot com) and receive a free book! *One year after his father's suicide, Carson Long feels cheated. He hates his father for leaving him and his sister, Georgie, alone. He hates him for turning his mother into a young widow who hasn't left the house in months.

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And he hates his father for leaving behind his stupid tree. Four of them are planted outside the restaurant, one for each family member. That is until Carson's mother, no longer able to stand the sight of the tree, hires a local landscaper to remove it in the middle of the night. This seemingly unremarkable act soon sets in motion of series of events in the small Colorado ski town that leaves more than just young Carson groping in the dark for answers. The Roadrunner Café is a unique novel told from multiple points of view about loss and the lengths some will go to heal the human heart. Ultimately, it is a story about what it takes to go on living even when everything in the world might be telling us it isn't possible to. We are almost 100% user supported! Let us know if you know of any freebies you don't already see posted!

>>The Roadrunner Cafe

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