Terror Rising: Holy War- Book 2

Terror Rising: Holy War- Book 2
Today's Free Kindle eBook: Terror Rising: Holy War- Book 2
America is under attack, and only a few can stop it. The survival of millions hangs in the balance as ISIS sleeper cells prepare to launch a series of devastating attacks with no end in sight. As massive fear, panic, and anger grip America, the government scrambles to respond, but they are overwhelmed.

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Caught in the middle of the chaos, border agent Angela Gannon continues her effort to stop the terrorists before they unleash their diabolical plans for massive casualties and destruction in the name of their cause. Angela’s perilous journey leads to head of the sleeper cell where only one thing is clear in her mind: victory against the enemy means nothing short of their defeat.Roger Hayden, author of the best-selling series “The Abducted” and “Sleeper Cell,” brings you his most thrilling series yet with “Terror Rising,” a tale of survival against an activated ISIS sleeper cell attempting to destroy American from within. We are almost 100% user supported! Let us know if you know of any freebies you don't already see posted!

>>Terror Rising: Holy War- Book 2

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