Love Vortex: A Contemporary Romance Novel

Love Vortex: A Contemporary Romance Novel
Today's Free Kindle eBook: Love Vortex: A Contemporary Romance Novel
A romance between a life-coach in her 50s and her 26 year old studentShe is a successful life-coach in her late fifties, researching and teaching the secrets of emotional intelligence. He is her client, her student, her trainee. She teaches him to experience, acknowledge and express his feelings, not realizing that once he is true to himself it is his love and lust for her that he will encounter.

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Over thirty years separate them, as well as their professional ties, her other man, and their distinct futures. But zealous desire can bridge even unbridgeable gaps.One spark is sufficient to ignite a blazing flame bigger than they anticipated, hotter than their warmest fantasies.Through his letters, he flares up her passion and stirs his own, alluring her to play with fire. Two burning bodies melting into one; two souls swept into a heavenly swirl. A hopeless romance that finally shatters in a devastating blast.A shameless romantic letter exchange that will sweep you along from its very first words and until its surprising conclusion. Love Vortex is an audacious and daring literary piece, written in the form of a romantic exchange of letters. It skillfully walks between genres, bringing together prose and poetry, as well as astounding erotic art by painter Dror Karta. Intended for men and women who dare to go outside the lines and stray off the safe path – be it just in their imagination - to find real love and a youthful thirst for life.Get your copy of Love Vortex now! We are almost 100% user supported! Let us know if you know of any freebies you don't already see posted!

>>Love Vortex: A Contemporary Romance Novel

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