Free Magnum Ice Cream Delivered by Uber on Friday!

Free Magnum Ice Cream Delivered by Uber on Friday!
Uber is delivering free Magnum ice cream to select cities on Friday! Every person that puts in a successful request will get 4 free Magnum ice cream bars! Scroll down and click 'Find Your City' to see if your city is participating •Open the Uber app on Friday, July 15, between 11am - 7pm •Set your location •Select the Ice Cream icon in the app and hit request •If your request is successful, ice cream will be delivered in minutes Uber said they will try to deliver as many ice creams as they can between 11am and 7pm on Friday, but demand could be high. If your request is unsuccessful at first or there are no drivers available at that time, you can keep trying up until 7pm or until a driver is free. Thanks for visiting! Let us know what you think by leaving a comment!

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>>Free Magnum Ice Cream Delivered by Uber on Friday!

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