A Plague of Shadows (The Harbingers of Light Book
![A Plague of Shadows (The Harbingers of Light Book](https://i.imgur.com/xhmgmgz.jpg)
Today's Free Kindle eBook: A Plague of Shadows (The Harbingers of Light Book 1)
See inside for a free gift offer!Some people are born to greatness; some transform to meet their destiny....Nineteen-year-old Abagail Bauer's uneventful life turns terrifying when she's infected with the shadow plague. Consumed by the plague's dark magic and fearing to become a husk of who she once was, Abagail flees the only life she's ever known to find the one person who might be able to help her: her aunt Mattelyn. But as the plague grows stronger, will Abagail find Mattelyn before it’s too late, or is she already lost to the shadow plague? Rife with danger, elves, and fae, A Plague of Shadows channels aspects of great fantasy books into an epic sword and sorcery retelling of Norse Mythology.
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˃˃˃ How did you get into fantasy?I didn’t always love reading high fantasy series. I mean, my favorite book growing up (and to this day) is A Wrinkle in Time, but I didn’t have a love for reading at all. When I reached the seventh grade we had to read books. She didn’t care what books we read, they could be mystery, they could be horror, they could have epic fantasy elves in them. She didn’t care. The teacher had a lot of sword and sorcery novels in her classroom library, and once I found those, I was hooked. Oh, and did I mention the perk: dark fantasy free? I may have mentioned that.˃˃˃ Who should read this book?I know a lot of adults read young adult, and that’s awesome. I never pictured my high fantasy series for teens, but it works out just as well. There’s nothing too graphic in my book, and while there’s a tiny bit of swearing, I’ve read much worse. The real audience I was going for are those women out there who love dark fantasy and those awesome, epic fantasy elves. I find I have a lot in common with women my age, and my characters are typically of the female variety and just starting out in life, so that works. Honestly, these books could work for anyone, that’s why my sword and sorcery novels so inexpensive, so anyone can grab it and see if it fits for them.˃˃˃ Are there any authors who've shaped your writing?Oh yea, those high fantasy series I mentioned? They were David Eddings, Mercedes Lackey, and the Dragonlance series. I got lost in those pages, reading of wizards, and epic fantasy elves as well as all the magic and monsters! Mercedes Lackey really helped me through my teen years, struggling to accept myself as a young gay man. If it wasn’t for her works, things might have been very different for me. I found her just when I needed to. I also had a friend who loved fantasy so, once again I got a lot of sword and sorcery novels free!˃˃˃ BOOK CATEGORIESFantasy novels best sellersFantasy in kindle storeHigh fantasy seriesFantasy dealssword and sorcery novelshigh fantasy novelsepic fantasy elvesScroll up and grab a copy today. We are almost 100% user supported! Let us know if you know of any freebies you don't already see posted!