Becoming Zara

Becoming Zara
Today's Free Kindle eBook: Becoming Zara
Hi, I’m Zara…warrior princess. I don’t usually tell that last bit to strangers, but I say it in my head all the time. It’s one of the many mantras that have helped me to get to where I am today.

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And believe me when I say that I’ve come a long way. Besides, if you’re a woman and you happen to have ever struggled with issues of self-esteem, we’re probably gonna be fast friends anyway, so I won’t hold anything (much) back.Oh, and Zara wasn’t the name I was born with—but you’ll find out more about that in the book.I don’t know about you, but my own struggle with my weight has held me back a bit in life. And my self-esteem took a real nose dive after my fiancé dumped me—via text, no less. (I know, right? Jerk!…but I don’t usually dwell on things in the past, so let’s just move right along from that, shall we?) So, I’m still a work-in-progress for sure, but I’m really starting to figure it all out—how to be more of who I’m meant to be every day—including the bumps, the lumps, and my bruised ego along the way.Oh and I love my sisterhood (more about that later) - the women who join me in believing that we are all capable of being strong, amazing, warrior princesses—just the way we are right now. ***FUN FACT: “Becoming Zara” is a standalone novella, but if you’re following the character of Samantha Bradford as she crosses off the items of her bucket list (the Single Wide Female Series), this is the book that Samantha publishes to complete her bucket list item #18 (Publish a Book).Note: You can download #1 Learn Pole Dancing of that series for free. Another great sample. Let us know what you think!

>>Becoming Zara

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